Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Future of Teaching

Today teachers and students are learning in traditional classrooms as well as using technology in the learning process.  In the not so far away future, classrooms may be virtually everywhere and the use of technology will be a constant.  Students as well as teachers will be digital natives and not a combination of digital natives and immigrants.  The following chart shows one view of; where we were, where we are, and where we will be in the future.

Moving beyond Education 2.0
By John Moravec | 2/15/2008 | Filed under: Featured, General
There’s a lot of talk about mov­ing to “Ed­u­ca­tion 2.0″ –but, what would Ed­u­ca­tion 3.0 look like?
Here’s my take on the Ed­u­ca­tion 1.0 – 3.0 spec­trum:

Ed­u­ca­tion 1.0
Ed­u­ca­tion 2.0
Ed­u­ca­tion 3.0
Mean­ing is…
So­cially con­structed
So­cially con­structed and con­tex­tu­ally rein­vented
Tech­nol­ogy is…
Con­fis­cated at the class­room door (dig­i­tal refugees)
Cau­tiously adopted (dig­i­tal im­mi­grants)
Every­where (dig­i­tal uni­verse)
Teach­ing is done …
Teacher to stu­dent
Teacher to stu­dent and stu­dent to stu­dent (pro­gres­sivism)
Teacher to stu­dent, stu­dent to stu­dent, stu­dent to teacher, peo­ple-tech­nol­ogy-peo­ple (co-con­struc­tivism)
Schools are lo­cated…
In a build­ing (brick)
In a build­ing or on­line (brick and click)
Every­where (thor­oughly in­fused into so­ci­ety: cafes, bowl­ing al­leys, bars, work­places, etc.)
Par­ents view schools as…
A place for them to learn, too
Teach­ers are…
Li­censed pro­fes­sion­als
Li­censed pro­fes­sion­als
Every­body, every­where
Hard­ware and soft­ware in schools…
Are pur­chased at great cost and ig­nored
Are open source and avail­able at lower cost
Are avail­able at low cost and are used pur­po­sively
In­dus­try views grad­u­ates as…
As­sem­bly line work­ers
As ill-pre­pared as­sem­bly line work­ers in a knowl­edge econ­omy
As co-work­ers or en­tre­pre­neurs

   With this idea of what education will look like in the future there are also changes in the standards that will need to be followed.  One standard for math that will most likely be the one most easily implemented is Standard 3.  Standard 3 is research and information fluency.  This encompasses students to apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.  Students will have to apply strategies to guide questions, locate, organize, analyze, evaluate and use information from a variety of sources.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The new era of teaching our youth

Looking back at how students learn in the 20th century and looking forward to how students learn in the 21st century; there is a world of difference. Students today are more aware of what is going on in the world around them and are more interested in a hands on approach to learning rather than a passive learning format. The link below compares the 20th century teaching to the 21st century teaching.

Teachers today need to know the difference between computer literacy, information literacy and integration literacy.  Students today are computer literate because they understand and know how to use computers because they are computer natives.  Teachers are information literate and need to make sure that their students know how to gather, analyze, sort/organize and select information that is relevant and use that information from a number of sources.


Today's students are technology natives and use technology outside of the school setting so we, as teachers,  need to embrace and incorporate this form of learning in our teachings.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Saying alot without saying a word!

I was rather surprised at some of the questions that were asked on the Computer Genuis Game. As you can tell by more score technology is not one of my strong points.  I am trying to learn but so far it has been a challenge.

I am still trying to figure out how to work this blog site and be creative. I would like to have columns and add pictures but so far I have not been able to do that.  The most I have been able to do is change the background color.

I really enjoyed the video "Digital Students". It showed a very powerful message without anyone saying a word.  The 3 "R"'s are being replaced with the 3 "W"'s; learning whatever, wherever, and whenever represented by www.  This is also reflected of the digital learning on the world wide web.  The same thing can be said for students in the classroom by; they may not say anything but by looking at their body language you may be able to tell if they are bored, engaged, or simply do not understand what is being taught.  I can tell alot by watching my own children and their body language.

Students today are in such a hurry to get information and results that they do not necessarily take the time to check the validity of a site, or have a clear understanding of what  they are looking for.  They need to learn to organize thier information, analyze their findings and be able to clearly express it to others either verbally or in written form.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hello Everyone!

Hello Everyone;
Just a little bit about me. I am in my last semester here at the Mount and will be student teaching in the fall. I hope to find a teaching job in the secondary level in my concentration of math. I have 5 children; 2 boys and 3 girls, so dealing with adolescents and the challenges that they bring will be nothing new to me.

So far I have found Literacy and Technology to be a very challenging class. My team got together on-line last week and we created our digital card. We chose the team name 3 Blind Mice. It felt like the blind leading the blind leading the blind.  We struggled through the assignment but in the end we were able to get it done.  Our motto is "working together to encourage students to enhance their learning experience by embracing the technological resources available to them"

I chose my blog title due to the fact that as a whole the United States is falling behind other countries where math and science are concerned.  I hope that this course will give me the confidence to incorporate technology into the classroom, more then just calculators.