Monday, February 7, 2011

Saying alot without saying a word!

I was rather surprised at some of the questions that were asked on the Computer Genuis Game. As you can tell by more score technology is not one of my strong points.  I am trying to learn but so far it has been a challenge.

I am still trying to figure out how to work this blog site and be creative. I would like to have columns and add pictures but so far I have not been able to do that.  The most I have been able to do is change the background color.

I really enjoyed the video "Digital Students". It showed a very powerful message without anyone saying a word.  The 3 "R"'s are being replaced with the 3 "W"'s; learning whatever, wherever, and whenever represented by www.  This is also reflected of the digital learning on the world wide web.  The same thing can be said for students in the classroom by; they may not say anything but by looking at their body language you may be able to tell if they are bored, engaged, or simply do not understand what is being taught.  I can tell alot by watching my own children and their body language.

Students today are in such a hurry to get information and results that they do not necessarily take the time to check the validity of a site, or have a clear understanding of what  they are looking for.  They need to learn to organize thier information, analyze their findings and be able to clearly express it to others either verbally or in written form.

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