Thursday, May 5, 2011

Evaluation and Assessment

Students need to make evaluations and assessments themselves!

Teachers are not the only ones that need to evaluate and assess, students need to do it also.  They need to evaluate and assess their work and decide if it needs improvement or if they are happy with it just like it is.  One way to assess your work is to actually have your peers take a look at what you are working on and have them give you feed back.  We did this in our class and we had to reflect on each others blog.  I had a hard time trying to post my comments so they did not show up on Marc, Mario and Lauren's blogs but I did make comments on them privately.  Lauren commented on one of my blogs and I was happy to know that the work I was doing was useful to someone.

Since I did not get to present my final WOW project on our presentation date I asked he class to look at it and provide feedback.  Katrina, Dennis, and Marc were kind enough to take the time and send me constructive feedback.  It was suggested that I have more hands-on work to get the class more actively engaged rather then just treat it as a straight lecture. I agree that there should be more class participation.

I have found Literacy and Technology to be a very difficult class at times but definitely think it was worth all the time, effort, and struggling that went into learning it.  One professor said that if you do not struggle with the subject matter then you will not be able to teach it to someone. If you did not struggle then you will not understand why your students are struggling.  I have to say that I agree with this because if this class was easy for me then I would wonder why my students just didn't get it the first time.  Since they are technological natives they should have no problems.

I was very impressed with the classes WOW presentations ~ after seeing some of theirs I realized that there is a lot to learn about the resources that are available on the Internet and there are many different ways to incorporate the information.  Even though we reviewed and looked at the same topics they were all interpreted differently by all of us.  I know that I will take the information and resources that Dr. Smirnova was so kind to share with us and use some of them in my own classroom someday.

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