Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Assessments~Why so many?

Do students need all that assessment?

It seems that todays students are doing a lot of testing either because the state mandates them or teachers are trying to see what their students know or need to know.  With state testing there is nothing a teacher can do about that but try and get their students use to the format of the test questions and the types questions that will be on the test.

As far as the classroom testing teachers have controll as to what they need to find out (such as finding out a students prior knowledge) so they have a better understanding as to where they need to start their lessons.
There are basically three types of assessments that are used in a classroom:
  1. Diagnostic Assessment:
    1. This is testing that occurs before instruction. A diagnostic assessment or pre-assessment often focuses on one area or domain of knowledge. It can provide educators with information about each student's prior knowledge before beginning instruction.. Educators can use a diagnostic assessment to assist them in developing lesson plans and providing differentiated instruction to meet students' needs.
  2. Formative Assessment:
    1. This form of assessment is given during instruction. Formative assessment can be used to determine what needs or topics have to be addressed next with a student. An educator can use a formative assessment to find the gaps between what students have learned and where students are struggling. A formative assessment not only includes tests and homework but can also be an interactive process with the students.
  3. Summative Assessment:
    1. A summative assessment is typically given to students after a specific point in instruction to measure their understanding of a subject. Some examples of summative assessments include high stakes tests, standardized state exams, district or interim tests, midterms and final exams. Summative assessments can also be used to check students' mastery of a subject every few weeks or months.
It is important to remember that they should be used as a framework to inform the instruction process. Ultimately, the knowledge gleaned from assessment should be used to reach individual students and support them in their learning process.

The above information was compiled from the web site:

Another form of assessment can be the use of posters, book reports, productions, debates and a whole host of other ideas.  The only thing with these types of assessments the students should be given a rubric in which they will know exactly what they need to include in their project and what they will be graded on.  There are a number of pre-made rubrics that can be found on the internet or there are sites in which you can create your own.
http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schrockguide/assess.html This site has over 100 rubric sites to choose from.  There were rubrics for specific subjects, ideas and grade levels. If you need a rubric this is the site to check out for all your rubric needs.

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