Tuesday, April 26, 2011

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read All About It!!!

Classroom Newsletters
 ~ to have or not to have ~
 that is the question?

Having a classroom newsletter can be very useful to help keep parents/guardians up-to-date on the happenings for either the month or marking period, depending on the grade level it is being designed for.  If the newsletter is being designed or used for the elementary level the teacher has a better chance of their students bringing it home for their parents/guardians to see and read.  Having a classroom newsletter in the junior high or high school may have a tendency to be left right on the desk as soon as the bell rings for class to be over.

Instead of an actual paper classroom newsletter the teacher may create a virtual newsletter with both students and parents can have access to.  One such program that can be used is Letterpop which comes with pre-designed layouts and backgrounds.  They have general designs or holiday designs if you choose to use them.

The following link is a classroom newsletter that was created to help keep students safe when using the internet.

Classroom newsletters can be used for a number of different reasons, such as the one mentioned above, also for helping students learn about different tools that they may be able to use to help in their school work such as learning about Google Docs.

 http://letterpop.com/newsletters/?id=188669-bfed21 is an example of a newsletter explaining what Google Docs is and the advantages of using it.

Again, I feel that creating and using a classroom newsletter can be beneficial for everyone involved and can be a very powerful tool when implemented at the appropriate level.

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