Tuesday, April 26, 2011

(New) Tools of the Trade

Paper & Pencil Record Keeping
~Not so much any more~

Ask any older teachers what there preferred method of record keeping is and some if not a lot of them would tell you that they like having a hard copy pencil and paper grade book.  They like to be able to show the students if they are missing an assignment, a test, a quiz, homework or if they were absent.  Students like to know how they are doing at times so it is easier to walk up to a student with book in hand and they can see for themselves.

Ask a new and upcoming teacher what their preferred method of record keeping is and they are more then likely to tell you that they like the electronic system.  An electronic system also does everything a pencil and grade book can do but it can do a whole lot more.  The electronic version can calculate a students average for homework's, quizzes and tests, it can show their attendance, the teacher can also post homework and have students submit them electronically, and students can have discussions with the teacher and/or other students.

One source that can be used for grading is the following site:
Flubaroo for grading.
 I did find that the site was a little hard to use and never did get the hang of it.

The following site can be used for grading and also quick exit tickets, short answer questions and multiple choice questions.
Unfortunately I was unable to sigh up to give this site a try. 

There are many on-line tools that are at a teachers disposal and it will take using a certain program to get comfortable with it and learning all the possible benefits it has to offer.  Some school districts tell teachers the program that they have to use so your choice may be limited by the district you work in.

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